Day 3 is underway, Eric Klammer already airborne!

The tasks are set, our Colorado crew crushed it to the Monroe launch once again, and Eric Klammer is first to launch three days in a row, today in a remarkable 52 minutes! It was blowing lightly over the back but that didn’t phase Eric and he styled it off the hill above psychedelic fall colors before a single PRO athlete has even arrived and is already making his way to TP 2. The Adventure and Pro Divisions have very similar tasks today- old school flying off Monroe Peak, out to the flats, back to Monroe (where the Pro’s will have to top land), back out to the flats, back to Monroe, back to the flats and then the Pros have to tag a turnpoint at Poverty flats (will they Copland?) and then to goal and the Adventure crew will take cylinder also on the ground nearer to goal at the Rodeo Grounds. We expect EPIC flying conditions today, clouds are already booming tall and we’re definitely going to see fast racing and fast pushing on the ground. Follow along on live tracking for the Pro and live tracking for the Adventure!

First three to launch (Taylor Rice, Eric Klammer, Isaac Lammers)