6:50 am, Thursday September 30th. The Task Committee (Reavis Sutphin-Gray, Bill Belcourt, Matt Dadam) has just arrived at the farm in Monroe and we’re thinking pretty big today! Here’s what Reavis sees in the forecast today:

In short, it should be REALLY good. We’ve got some NE on the peaks this morning, but we expect very light winds throughout the day, with stronger N flows in the valleys. Thermal strength 3-4 meters p/s with base later in the day over 15,000′. Thermal starts around 10 am, should be proper on by 11 am, no OD expected. Great buoyancy to sheer and should be some nice lines to fly. There will likely be cloud to our east so the task committee is discussing something really cool for both the Pro and Adventure Divisions, about 95 km with two top-landings for the PRO, the second will require our athletes to find a suitable launch to get back to goal.

Screenshot of the PRO task:

For the Adventure Division the task is 40km and will require some mountain and flat land flying.

Screenshot of Adventure Task: